What is freelance writing and how to start as a beginner ?

SO , you came to a fact freelance writing or you came across a person who is freelance writer and making thousand of bucks monthly .

Now you have got an interest in this field which has a lot of potential and you want to enter in it 

 Leaving all your pathetic 9 - 5  and start working from home and making double or triple than your job .

But you are unaware about this career .

 You want to know how to start as a beginner in Freelance writing , what qualifications are required , what is the procedure , how to start earning and many more . 

Well, CONGRATULATIONS you are at the best place . 

Now , check out this article to gain all the info . 


Who are Freelancers ?

Freelancers are the persons who are self employed . They have particular skills like coding , graphic designing , web development , web designing , writing  and many more they work for clients who want such services . 

Generally, freelancers do a piece of work for a client and get paid . 

As a freelancer you can work from home and earn using your skills . 

There are a lot of platforms out there for freelancers where the get work . These are - 
Freelancing websites

How FREELANCERS get paid  ?

All freelancers have different ways to get paid 

  • Hourly basis - Some freelancers get paid per hour . They have a fixed hourly wage . New freelancers are paid less wage around 10-15 $ per hour But Some of the old and experienced freelancers with a good portfolio are even paid 100$ per hour . 

  • Per Work - A majority of freelancers get paid by this method . They provide the piece of the work to the client to which the get paid . Every freelancer vary for the work price . New freelancers work at low price and experienced for high you can find different freelancers demanding different prices for same work .

  • Milestones - This is the safest method to get paid . Freelancers make a milestone in the work after which the get paid certain amount and after submitting full work the get paid fully . 

Now as you have came to know who are freelancers we can come specific to FREELANCE WRITING 

What is freelance writing ?

Freelance writing is practice of writing as a freelancer . 

Means a writer who is self employed and provides works in content writing .

By the term writing i mean writing content for blogs , books , web pages .

There are different types of Freelance writing - 

  1. Content writing - Content writing is focused on writing creative content for blog , web pages , e books . This generally means to provide a quality content according to the need . It is usually a general term , content writing can be related to any niche . So the person writing a content needs to have good knowledge in that niche so to provide quality content .                                                                                                                                                                                        
  2. SEO writing - SEO writing generally oriented for Search Engine Optimization . The writer needs to have a good knowledge of SEO for SEO writing . SEO writing is generally On page SEO and writing . The writer needs to write an article for the topic required and does its SEO by keyword stuffing , Title Tag , Enough content .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  3. Ghost writing - Ghost writing is writing for an e book , article , novel without your name in that . The writer is not presented in  front of readers by any means that's what the name suggests GHOST WRITING .                                                                                                                                                                            
  4. Blog post writing - Writing content to be published on a blog is called blog post writing . Blog post writers have a huge market as writing many of long posts is not possible by blog owners so they hire a blog post writer . Blog posts writers are there in every niche so with high market the also have a lots of writers .                                                                                                                                                                
  5. Web content writing - Web content writing is focused on coding for web development or web design . other content available on websites is also written by web content writers but coding knowledge is required in this .                                                                    
What Freelance services can you offer ?

what is freelance writer freelance writer jobs for beginners what is freelance writing

You can offer various services in freelance writing depending upon your skills , knowledge , interest , niche etc 

There are various services to offer like - 

  • Blog writing 

You can offer writing blog posts for blog owners in a particular niche you have knowledge in . 

For example - if you have tech knowledge you can write for tech blogs .

 Blog posts writing is best for new freelancers because of large market and recurring clients . 

  • Proofreading 

Proofreading is a service which is required in every niche . 

Basically , proofreading is going through the content thoroughly and checking for any errors and grammatical mistakes .

a person having good knowledge in grammar can offer proofreading services . 

  • Ghost writing 

Ghost writing is writing for books or any content without you presenting a name on it . 

usually person who have the the skill to write long content can offer this service .

They are only paid for this work no credits are given to the writer .

  • Data entry

Data entry jobs are quite popular , people with no skills and qualifications are able to do these jobs.

Data entry is simply putting data where the clients want you to .

You can offer this skill as a new freelancer but there are now quite a lot of scams going on the names of data entry . 

  • Story writing 
You can start providing story writing services so if you have a knowledge about the layout of the stories .

Start writing can be a fun task and can provide you a lot of popularity .

Freelance writer job description ?

Freelance Writer is Someone who is self employed having a great skill set in writing and providing content.

The role of a freelance writer is to understand the demand of the customer and writing the piece of the content as per the customer needs 

what is freelance writer freelance writer jobs for beginners what is freelance writing

Freelance writer works as a freelancer writing quality content .

A great freelance writer have following skills - 

  • Communication skills 
The writer's work is actually communicate with the readers in their content . 

A great communication skills in a writer are mainly responsible for providing the best engaging content .

So to upgrade as a content writer a person has to constantly work on soft skills .

  • Editing skills 
In order to provide an error less and reader friendly content editing skills are the main requisite . 

A writer with good editing skill will never provide an error in his content .

Editing skills can also help you to develop proofreading .

what is freelance writer freelance writer jobs for beginners what is freelance writing

  • Language expertise 
A person who is writing content for a language should have a deep knowledge of the language grammar and also the history of the language .

Content writers having a language expertise are more preferred than native speakers .

  • Observatory skills 

A content creator create a content around what he has observed 

So , a good observation is equal to a good content writer .

  • Decision making 
A great decision making quality in a content writer enables him to make decision which are out of the box so to create an example as a content writer .

A writer has to also face difficult situations in the life so decision making quality is must . 

What is freelance writing for business ?

Freelance writing as whole is a business .

As you all know freelance writer is a self employed person who work for clients .

Freelance writing is a really booming business because of the start of digital arena

As digitization is increasing  the need of content is also increasing .

For example , there are 600 million blogs online worldwide and every of that needs content 

So here you can see the scope of content writing business .

Being an experienced writer can help you make a lot of money per month .
what is freelance writer freelance writer jobs for beginners what is freelance writing

If you start doing today you can even earn 100,000$ every month with freelance writing in 8 weeks or less 

This is the the best business opportunity out today - start doing now and start booming 

If you are new in this field and know nothing i have a great thing for you that will help you leave your hectic job and make you earn by sitiing at home and start earning .

Check out the the free training for freelance writer to start earning a 6 figure income -  CHECK HERE

Freelance writer income ?

The income of freelancers really depend upon many factors like - 

  • Location 
The location is a depending measure on the income of a freelance writer 

By location i mean the country where you are locating For example if you are in an Asian country the budget of client would be low and so as your pay but in western countries people take this works seriously and have big budgets .

So , in India a person could earn up-to 0.01$ per word where as in united states people are earning up to 2$ per word 

  • Type of service
By the type of service i mean the work you are offering 

You might be offering proofreading services with might pay you less but where a person proving blog posts earns double than you  
  • experience 
Experience matters the most in this business as the client will buy your services if you have good experience 

You are paid well when you have a good experience while the beginners are paid less in starting 
what is freelance writer freelance writer jobs for beginners what is freelance writing

Some of the new freelancers are paid around 100 - 200 $ per 1000 words article 

Whereas a good experienced freelancers are paid even 2000 $ for 1000 word article and also they have recurring clients 

The reason why are clients paying to their high rates is the quality of content these freelancers provide 

The content quality for a blog or a website matters the most

So , if a blog owner is earning a lot from the good quality content why wont he not pay the high rates of freelancers 

Freelance writing jobs online ?

If you are struggling to get a work as a writer and not getting a good client 

Do not even worry Here i have got you a training that will help you to start getting more and more projects for freelance writing

Do you know what Warren buffet said to be rich ? 

He said that to become rich and to get a lot of business the right investment is to invest in yourself 

So here is the deal - You have  the time now and you have the energy to invest in yourself so that you can make a big business and be a millionaire in the coming future 

So , go at this link and just enroll yourself in this training to invest in yourself and make the best future 

check out download freelance course in udemy 

You can also find freelance writing projects on freelancing websites like - 
  • Upwork
In upwork you have to bid on the projects which clients are offering and the best bid will be awarded with the project 

So , here on upwork create best profiles with all of your experience in and start bidding 

Now , in starting do not demand high rate and your main objective should be to provide quality work so as to maintain a good relation with client 

Good relation with client will help you to get more and more projects 

  • Freelancer.com 

In freelancer also try to bid on relevant projects and keep your rates low in starting 

With an increase in your profile ratings you can ask higher rates 

So, in order to get profile ratings make good connection with clients , provide quality work , do revision if clients asks 

  • Fiverr

On Fiverr platform the scenario is different , 

You have to post gigs presenting the work you want to do . 

For example here you will see i will do (you gig ) for you 

Do proper SEO of these gigs by using keywords that are most searched or using title and alt tags 

The reason of SEO is that your gig will show up on top of the searches and the chances of getting an order will increase .

what is freelance writer freelance writer jobs for beginners what is freelance writing

How to find freelance writing client ?

Here are some of the platforms and tricks you can use to get clients more easily and quickly

Check and share with your othe writer mates so that they can even get the tricks  

Writing to wealth .com is a great website where you can have regular work with regular clients .

Anybody body can join writingtowealth.com with 1 time minimal payment and start getting offers from the day 1 . 

You have you dashboard here where you can track your order and earnings 

People are earning 1000$ per month with this website in content writing 

Check out now - HERE 

Social media 

Go on social media like Instagram , Quora or Facebook create a page for you business 

Put in all your experience and works and post regular content so to attract audience 

This will also attract clients to your portfolio and you will be awarded work 

Put more and more info graphics and make your page of high quality so to give professional impression to clients 

Facebook groups 

There are a lot of group out there in Facebook where you can meet clients and they will offer you work 

Here you have to keep in mind to have a good communication with clients 

Respond to offers with your professional page on Facebook and try to be reasonable in starting 
Freelance websites 

I have already described about the freelance websites up how you have to put gigs and bids 

Create a professional profile on these sites and start bidding 

Job boards 

Many of the websites put job boards on their website so to hire writers 

You can check out the websites who need content in your niche 

For example , you want to write on the niche " Affiliate Marketing "

Try searching for google as " Affiliate marketing + write for us "

It will show you results as such 
what is freelance writer freelance writer jobs for beginners what is freelance writing

Now go to this websites and start pitching them 


Make you website presenting your works , your portfolio and your experience and start promoting this website

Start circulating your website in social media sites and groups 

You can even do SEO to the website and rank it in google so to get more traffic and more clients 

You can even start you own blog and write content , which will represent your work as well as can create you passive income .

Email marketing

Email you former clients and ask them about the work you have done for them or if there is something else they need 

They will surely reply with some work 

Or you can even ask them to refer you to their peers so to increase your reach and have more clients .

what is freelance writer freelance writer jobs for beginners what is freelance writing

Qualifications to be a freelance writer ?

Many of the people ask this question that what qualifications are required to be a professional content writer ? 

And the answer remains the same that is content writing do not need any qualifications 

Even a student in high school can be a content writer but the need is of experience , knowledge , patience and good communication skills